Missouri seems to be in a great position in regards to its Medical Marijuana program. Missouri is on track to having too much marijuana when the program launches. A report was published stating that the cannabis supply will outpace demand until 2022, when the state is projected to reach 26,000 qualified medical marijuana patients. Approximately 27 cultivators would be able to keep up with that demand. The state of Missouri is required to license 60 commercial cultivators by January.
The amendment voters approved in November requires the state to also license 192 dispensaries and 86 companies that would manufacture marijuana-infused products.
The state of Missouri has already earned $3.3 million from about 470 application fees from business that want to be the pioneers of Missouri's Medical Marijuana program.
Some state marijuana advocates claim that the study underestimates the number of patients. They claim that there will be at least 100,000 patients in Missouri's Medical Marijuana program.
Missouri was the 33rd state to legalize medical marijuana after 65 percent of people voted in favor of the amendment. So it's needless to say, the time has come. Shops are expected to open early 2020.
Beginning on July 4th patients will begin to start the approval process for receiving medical marijuana. It's estimated that 19,000 residents will qualify within the next year. The state would need to harvest around five to seven thousand pounds of marijuana to meet that demand. Approximately 12 cultivators could supply this demand.
One of the best parts of Missouri's program is that they don't require a diagnosis of a qualifying condition to access medical marijuana. This is a big step up from Ohio's program which requires patients to provide medical records showing a diagnosis of one of the 21 qualifying conditions. At this time the state's biggest issue is finding a way to keep the oversupply of marijuana off the black market.
It is Nov. 26,2019 and today the number of card carrying MMMP patients crossed the 26,000 mark...boy yo really missed the mark on that prediction,didn't you?