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  • J. L. Campbell

Growing Your Own Medical Marijuana? Avoid These Common Mistakes

Missouri residents who have their medical marijuana card have a variety of options when it comes to getting relief. State dispensaries offer a wide range of cannabis products to choose from, but, if you’ve got a green thumb, you may want to consider growing your own cannabis by adding a cultivation permit to your marijuana card.

Growing your own cannabis can be extremely rewarding, however it does come with a steep learning curve, especially for those who are new to gardening. Once you get started growing your own medical marijuana, you may find the process includes a fair amount of trial and error. We’re here to help make that process a little bit easier with some tips to help you avoid the most common issues that new growers often face.

Keep in mind that there are many factors that can have a direct impact on your cultivation experience, including using the proper containers, ensuring your plants have access to the right amount of light, and making sure to use the right type of soil. Before starting your growing journey, we recommend reviewing the following common mistakes that are often made when people grow their own cannabis:

Avoid Overwatering Your Plants

Your plants need water to survive, but too much water can lead to disastrous consequences. Think of it this way - humans need water to live, but too much water can cause us to drown. Plants are the same way. You don’t want to drown your cannabis crop.

Many growers are surprised to learn that overwatering is even worse than under watering. It is actually easier for marijuana plants to bounce back from dry conditions than it is for them to bounce back from being overwatered.

Overwatering makes it impossible for plants to get the oxygen they need, and causes the plant to suffocate. Oftentimes, this will cause the roots to rot, and once root rot sets-in, recovering your plant is nearly impossible. In extreme cases, overwatering can cause the plant to die.

One thing to watch out for is the size of the containers your plants are in. If you are growing them in containers that are too big, this can cause you to overestimate the amount of water you need and lead to giving them too much.

Some things experts recommend when watering your marijuana plants include allowing the soil to completely dry out in-between watering sessions. Take your finger and press it about an inch down into the soil to check the moisture level.

You should also consider creating a watering schedule for your plants and sticking to it. Typically, you’ll want to water the plants every 1-2 days, at a set time. Remember - the bigger your plants get, the more water they’ll need.

Avoid Overfeeding Your Plants

Giving your plants too many nutrients can lead to something called nutrient burn, which can be signified by seeing brown leaf tips all over your plant. In some cases, it can even kill your plants which would mean starting the growing process over from the beginning.

When you begin to give nutrients to your plants, start the feeding process slowly. Professional growers suggest beginning with less than the recommended amount. For example, if your plant feeding schedule calls for two teaspoons of nutrient-rich solutions for each gallon of water, use half that amount.

It’s also important to keep an eye on your plants. Each day, take the time to check them for nutrient deficiencies. Observe the coloring of your cannabis plants and if you notice they are either pale or lime green, start to give them more nutrients by slowly raising the dosage in small increments. You most likely won’t need more than half-strength to get the desired results.

Provide Your Plants With the Best Climate for Growth

If you want to have success when growing cannabis, the climate you grow them in is absolutely crucial. Whether you are growing outside, in a greenhouse environment, or indoors, you will want to keep a watchful eye on humidity and temperature.

If the plants are in temperatures that are too low, their growth may be stunted. If the temperature gets too low, it can kill your plants. High temperatures can also be dangerous. They can cause heat stress, which will curl the leaves and cause your plant to produce less proteins and weaken. If this happens repeatedly, it could also kill your plants.

Avoiding improper humidity is very important in keeping your plants alive. Excessive moisture can turn your plant’s climate into a breeding ground for fungal diseases, which can kill your crop.

The ideal temperature and humidity for each stage of the growing process are as follows:

  • Seedlings and clones: 68-77°F; 70% humidity

  • Vegetative stage: 68-77°F; 40-60% humidity

  • Flowering stage: Under 82°F; 40-50% humidity

  • Drying stage: 64°F; 40-45% humidity

Remember: temperature can directly affect humidity. A good habit is to adjust the temperature at night. Your growing climate should be about 10-20 degrees cooler overnight and never above 85°F during the day.

Of course, that is something you may not be able to avoid if you are growing outside. In that case, using fans may help with your moisture levels. Check your plant's temperature regularly throughout each step of the growing process. To control humidity, use intake and outtake fans and dehumidifiers.

Keep Your pH Levels Balanced

You don’t want your plants to get sick, and one of the ways you can lessen the chances of running into problems is by regulating their pH levels.

If your plant’s pH levels are too high or too low, your plants run the risk of becoming sick. We recommend using water that is between a pH level of 6.0 to 7.0, which will allow your plants to fully absorb the nutrients they need.

When plants fall outside those pH ranges, they may begin to see nutrient deficiencies. This is often due to water being either too acidic or lacking acidity. If your roots have a bad pH level, this can lead to nutrient deficiencies, leaf discoloration, and other problems.

By using pH up and pH down products, growers can adjust the water for the optimal pH level. Plan ahead and make sure you have a pH meter or pH measuring drops. You can also purchase filters to maintain a specific pH level or use additives in your water supply to raise or lower the acidity level.

Ready for Relief?

Whether you are planning to grow your own cannabis or get your relief from a dispensary, if you want to legally enjoy marijuana in Missouri, you’ll need your medical marijuana card. If you don’t have your card yet, we’re here to help!

Our team of doctors are standing by to take you through a quick and easy evaluation to see if you qualify. Schedule an appointment with a marijuana professional online by CLICKING HERE, or give us a call at (877) 303-3117 to talk to a patient support representative.


Doctors Who Care.

Relief You Can Trust.

At Missouri Marijuana Card, our mission is helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce the stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.

Call us at (877) 303-3117, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!

Check out Missouri Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to join the medical marijuana conversation in Missouri!

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