Did you know that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? During the hot and humid summer months, it’s important to remember to keep hydrated, especially when using medical marijuana. One of the most common side effects of marijuana use is cotton mouth and staying well hydrated is a key way to help combat a dry mouth. Along with drinking water, there are several other ways you can keep your body hydrated and healthy. In honor of National Hydration Day, we are sharing some tips to help you stay hydrated this summer!
1. Start Your Day With Oats
Oatmeal is not only a heart-healthy breakfast option, but it can also help keep you hydrated. When cooking oatmeal with milk or water, the oats expand and absorb all of the liquid they are being mixed with. Adding fruits such as strawberries or blueberries is another way to add another source of hydration to your breakfast.
2. Coconut Water
If you're looking spice up the taste from just ordinary water, give coconut water a try! It contains several important electrolytes including sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. Coconut water has more potassium and less sodium and carbohydrates than sports drinks, making it a better alternative.
3. Drink Milk
Did you know that milk is known to be more hydrating than water? A recent study revealed that skim milk is more hydrating than water due to its protein, lactose, and fat which slows the emptying of the stomach and helps extends the duration of hydration.
4. Have a Cup of Tea
A cup of tea can be enjoyed either hot or cold and can contribute to your daily fluid needs. Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, and ginger can provide additional benefits as they can include antioxidant and immune-boosting properties. However, teas can contain caffeine, which can be dehydrating so it is best to find teas that are decaffeinated.
5. Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables
About 20% of our daily water intake is obtained from food. Fruits and vegetables are especially high in water content and are a great way to contribute to adding to your daily fluids. Veggies such as cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, and celery are made up of 95-96% water. While fruits like strawberries and watermelon are 92% water.
6. Blend a Smoothie
Creating your own smoothies is a great way to pack hydrating fruits and vegetables into one tasty beverage! Depending on your preferences, liquids such as coconut water or milk can also be added to a smoothie for a greater effect. To get even more creative, a drop of your favorite tincture can be combined with the mixture to create a refreshing smoothie while reaping the medicinal benefits of medical cannabis.
If you are a Missourian suffering from a qualifying condition, you may be eligible to treat your ailment with medical marijuana, which includes both THC and CBD products.
Click here to learn more about what Missouri Marijuana Card's certified medical marijuana physicians can do for you, or give us a call at 877-303-3117 and our friendly patient support team can walk you through the entire process, and set you up with an appointment through telemedicine.